Once upon Once a Time is an American fairy
tale drama series, where the story is about a magic world
that takes place in the fictional town of Storybrooke, Maine,
whose residents are characters from various fairy tales transported to the "real
world" town and robbed of their real memories by a powerful curse.
At first the producers had no idea of the impact that this series would
cause, because of that they didn’t have in mind a second part. The series now
consists of four seasons and will be promptly released the fifth one
(September, 2015).
The principal characters are: Emma Swan; she is the savior and her
parents are The prince Charming and Snow White. Emma shares the maternity of
her son Henry with the evil queen (his adoptive mother).
I really love this serie and I know you will too! Bye
Fabiana you didn't write anything, you took this piece of information from wikipedia without adapting it and that is NOT the idea of the blog session